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How to Grow Weed Easily: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Cannabis

How to Grow Weed Easily: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Cannabis

Cannabis has been used for thousands of years both as medicine and for recreational properties. These days, with more and more jurisdictions legalizing marijuana, people have evidently become interested in growing weed at home. If practiced correctly, home-grown cannabis can be fresh and of good quality without spending much money.

No matter you are an experienced gardener or a beginner, this comprehensive guide will provide the knowledge and skills that might help you grow weed easily. Thus, enter the botanist in you, gather all your tools and resources and start this wonderful exploration on how to grow weed. Now it’s time to make your cannabis-growing dreams come true!

How to Grow Weed

Is Growing Weed Legal?

Before engaging in cannabis cultivation, it is vital to determine whether weed is legal to cultivate in your area. The legality of growing marijuana varies widely from country to country and even within states or provinces. In some places, personal cultivation is fully permitted, whereas in others, it remains outlawed.

Make sure to thoroughly research the laws and regulations applicable to your location to avoid any legal complications. Consult with your local Department of Cannabis Control to ensure that you are compliant with all applicable laws.

Growing Weed Indoor vs. Outdoor

Indeed, once you’ve determined the legal issues, the next concerns will be the location for growing your weed plants. Indoor and outdoor growing of cannabis is majorly determined by the climate and space that is available, and the preference of the grower. Each method has its advantages and drawbacks:


Indoor Growing

Outdoor Growing


  • Controlled environment such as temperature, humidity, lighting, etc.
  • Security and privacy
  • Allows for year-round cultivation
  • Protects plants from pests, diseases, and extreme weather conditions
  • Natural sunlight and air circulation
  • Lower costs
  • Environmental friendly
  • More space for plants to grow larger


  • Requires specialized equipment and space
  • Higher energy costs
  • Potential odor issues
  • May be at risk for bugs, plant ailments, and harsh climates
  • Security concerns


What Do You Need Before Growing Weed?

To successfully grow weed, you'll need the following equipment:

  1. Weed seeds or clones- this is the foundation when starting to grow cannabis.
  2. Growing medium- soil, vermiculite, clay pebbles or coco coir for root support and nutrient intake.
  3. Container- depend on the size and type of plant, as well as the grow medium you opt for.
  4. Lighting system- use high-quality LED grow lights or HID lamps to provide the optimal light spectrum, intensity, and duration for different growth stages.
  5. Nutrients - cannabis plants require specific nutrients for healthy growth, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
  6. Water - adjust the pH of the water to an optimal range for cannabis growth (5.5-6.5)
  7. Thermometer and hygrometer controller- cannabis grows best within relative temperatures of 70-85°F and relative humidity of 40-60%. Use a temperature and humidity controller like the ITC-608T to maintain these optimal conditions.
  8. pH and EC meters- often these meters are used to check and alter the pH and nutrient levels in the growing medium.
  9. Pruning shears- regular pruning helps shape plants, promote healthy growth, and enhance airflow.
  10. Fan - use a fan to circulate the air inside the grow space to mimic natural wind and prevent mold and pests
  11. Filter- a carbon filter helps reducing pungent odors emitted by cannabis plants if growing weed indoor.

How to Grow Weed Easily: Step-by-Step Cannabis Growing Guide


Cannabis Growing Guide

Step 1: Choose your cultivation method

The first consideration should be whether to grow weed indoor or outdoor. It all depends with your space, budget, and preferences. Also, the growing medium should be of good quality and should adhere to good drainage practices.

Step 2: Choose the weed strain

The abundance of cannabis strains is really vast and this is why selecting the correct one is rather important. Consider the following factors:

  • Indica vs.Sativa: Indicas tend to be shorter, bushier, and produce more body relaxation, while sativas are taller, less bushy, and provide an energizing effect.
  • THC vs CBD:THC is the psychoactive compound responsible for the 'high,' while CBD has therapeutic properties without producing intoxication.
Choose Weed Strain

Step 3: Germinate seeds

Place seeds on a damp paper towel, fold it over, and keep it warm (around 70°F) and dark for 2-3 days until they germinate.

Germinate Weed Seed

Step 4: Transplant seedlings

Once your seedlings get a strong root hold, transplant them into individual pots or containers. Handle the plants gently and disturb the roots as little as possible.

Step 5: Provide adequate light

Cannabis plants require 12-18 hours of intense light during the vegetative stage and 12 hours of darkness during the flowering stage.

  • For indoor growing, use high-intensity discharge (HID) lights, LED lights, or fluorescent lights.
  • For outdoor growing, exposure plants directly to the sunlight, but provide shade during hottest hours of the day.
Grow Weed Indoor

Step 6: Water and feed your plants

Water your plants regularly, but avoid overwatering. Use a balanced cannabis fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and adjust the dosage according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Step 7: Manage environmental conditions

Cannabis plants thrive in specific environmental conditions:

  • Temperature: Use a temperature controller to maintain a daytime temperature of 70-80°F (21-27°C) and a nighttime temperature of 60-70°F (16-21°C).
  • Humidity: Use a humidity controller to keep a relative humidity of 50-60% during the vegetative stage and 40-50% during the flowering stage.
  • Air Circulation: Provide adequate air circulation to prevent mold and mildew.

Step 8: Harvest and cure your cannabis

Your plants will take weeks to be ready for the harvest depending on the lighting schedule once the trichromes or the crystals on the bud change from clear to a milky white with some amber.

Cut the ripe buds from the plant's main stem and then suspend them in a dark, well-ventilated area for 2-4 weeks to enhance flavor and aroma. The curing process can take several weeks to several months on the outcome wanted.

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