Explore Our Sous Vide Cookers

4 Easy Steps to Get Started

Step 1
Fill a container with water and attach the sous vide cooker to the side.

Step 2
Submerge your sealed food in the water bath.

Step 3
Set the cooking temperature and time on the control panel or the INKBIRD app

Step 4
Give it a quick sear for that perfect crispy crust.
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Sous Vide Inspirations
Our sous vide recipes will spark your creativity with new flavors and techniques. Join us to discover how sous vide can help you whip up amazing meals with minimal effort.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a sous vide cooker? How does it work?
A sous vide cooker, also known as immersion circulator, is a cooking machine that cooks food in a water bath at an accurately controlled temperature. It usually consists of a heating element and a circulator that maintains a continuous flow of water, ensuring uniform temperature throughout the bath.
What are advantages of sous vide cooking?
Sous vide cooking has many advantages:
1. Accuracy. Sous vide cookers can achieve accurate cooking temperatures, which results in perfectly cooked food every time
2. Consistency. Since the food is cooked at a controlled temperature, you can replicate the same results multiple times.
3. Richer flavor. Vacuum sealing preserves the natural juices and flavors of the food, while longer cooking time lets spices and seasonings soak in.
4. Tender texture. Sous vide cooking tenderizes proteins perfectly without the risk of overcooking, so you can avoid dry or tough texture.
5. Convenience. Once you've set the temperature and submerged the food, you can engage in other tasks, making it perfect for busy schedules.
Can I use a regular pot for sous vide cooking?
Yes, you can use any large pot that can withstand high temperatures and is deep enough to keep the food fully submerged.
How to clean sous vide cooker after usage?
Unplug the sous vide machine and let it cool down completely. Use a damp cloth with white vinegar, citric acid, or dishwashing liquid to wipe down any spills or splatters on the stainless steel parts. Alternatively, add dishwashing liquid to the water and let the machine run normally, which allows the water circulation to self-clean. After everything is clean and dry, store your INKBIRD sous vide cooker in a cool, dry place until its next use.
Is preheating necessary for sous vide? How long does it take?
Preheating is not strictly necessary, but it helps achieve even cooking. The time required to preheat the water depends on the volume of water and the desired temperature. INKBRID sous vide cookers are designed to heat water relatively quickly, usually in about 20-30 minutes for a standard home cooking amount.
Is INKBIRD sous vide cooker noisy when operating?
No, all INKBIRD sous vide machines are designed to be quiet, running at under 20 decibels.